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   Osterville Men's Club


The Osterville Men’s Club meets monthly at the DoubleTree Inn in Hyannis, MA on the First Wednesday of each month with the exception of July, August and December.

The January Meeting is the Annual Business Meeting for the Club when new Officers and Committee Chairs are elected and installed.

All Membership Meetings include a social time prior from 11:30 to 12:00 Noon when the President calls the meeting to order.

The luncheons are hosted by the DoubleTree Inn and Members need to respond to the email invitation if they are coming and if they are bringing a guest.

The Executive Committee meets at 10:00 AM in a separate room at The DoubleTree prior to the Membership Luncheon Meeting to discuss business and vote on motions brought to the Committee’s attention.

The Luncheon Meeting features a Guest Speaker who gives a 40 – 60 minute presentation. This is followed by a Question and Answer period when Members can get deeper insights into the Speaker’s subject.

Meetings generally end around 2:00 PM.


     Osterville Men’s Club
     P.O. Box 503
     Centerville, MA 02632

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Osterville Men’s Club welcomes men from all over Cape Cod. Join us for friendship, activities and to give back to the community!


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